Saddiq Dzukogi

Jude Nguyen
"Apis mellifera"

Rachel Peach Leonard
"You Being Beige on a Mountain in Greece"

Anuel Rodriguez
"Blue Parabolic"

Kristine Esser Slentz
"my grunts burst into feathers"

Ray Ball

Brennan Sprague
"What Can I Say I Have A Lot To Say"

Stephanie Yue Duhem
"break fast"

renée kay
"let me write an ode to some thing"

Poets Resist:
Guest Edited by Riley Light

Jason B. Crawford
"The High Fashion Gala says I cannot twerk here"

Erika Luckert


Special Announcements:

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.