Yvonne Nezianya is a young Nigerian writer, (performance) poet and a final year student of Health Education at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She writes to tell silenced stories of young girls and people facing mental health issues. Her short story, "Wonders of Spirits", was shortlisted for the K and L Prize 2020. Her works have and will appear in the Micah Anthology by Poets in Nigeria, Black Skin No Mask Anthology, The African Writers Review, Afritondo, Green Black Tales and elsewhere.

Poets Resist
Edited by Len Lawson
August 15, 2020

Yvonne Nezianya


No one tells you that being speechless is not an inborn trait. They don’t voice out that, like you learnt to pay a blind eye to your disgust when boys misplace their hands on your body, you can unlearn eating your words and learn that your body is not a dishevelled hotel where a drunk can find homage and walk out of when he needs an alcohol refill. And then, walk back in when the organ between his thighs announces its starvation. You can learn that it’s okay to lose your hand till it finds the road on the face of the man who grasped your buttocks in the marketplace. It is okay to pour out your voice like water from a running tap when your uncles do not forget to bring your growth to your notice by groping your under-ripe breast. It’s okay to walk down the street at night without people thinking you are whispering consent in their ears. How would you teach consent if you don’t learn new truths and unlearn the biases your mother forced down your throat?

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.