Darren C. Demaree is the author of eleven poetry collections, most recently Emily As Sometimes the Forest Wants the Fire, (June 2019, Harpoon Books). He is the recipient of a 2018 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award, the Louis Bogan Award from Trio House Press, and the Nancy Dew Taylor Award from Emrys Journal. He is the Managing Editor of the Best of the Net Anthology and Ovenbird Poetry. He is currently living in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and children.

Poets Resist
Edited by Michael Carter
August 12, 2019

Darren C. Demaree

red milk

dayton, august 4th, 2019 do not forget that every lake in ohio is manmade the salted bodies are not ours & yet i can count the bodies in ohio that were once ours & i can say their names because though someone stuck the anti-seeds deep in their flesh so that he could see their flesh arranged outside this garden they still have names each a proper glare of a name a shine that lit old roads scoreboards first flits of our wet landscape reflected in the loving eyes of another they still have their names the unique seasoning of their names this this this boy gone fat with the red milk he was given as if there were no other nutrition in this world cannot force salt into a field that has forever rejected salt as something elemental to our existence i can say his name too i can say the names of those that decorated his belly with their cheap color their cheap metal their cheap hate those names are public as public as the cost of each syllable their barrel mouths utter to drape our landscape with any confusion at all the boy has burst already the rocks have begun to gather to give even more graves cover i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know why people keep saying i don’t know this is simple the alignment of life has shifted into a common crosshairs we’ve been given a terrible promise to ensure that a finger’s desire is worth more than a whole county’s crop we’re turning states nations continents into violent islands we cannot escape put your hand in the fresh water you’ll need to do so upstream down here is where the pool is full of the runoff the leaking that cannot stop until it’s decided that we are not so weak that we must have buttons to press that can detonate a city into a new lake that holds a color we will never be able to stomach

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.