Ifeoluwa Ayandele has completed his MA in English (Literature) at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming at Little Stone Journal, Rattle, Pidgeonholes, Peekingcat Poetry, Mojave Heart Review, Burning House Press, Neologism Poetry Journal, Kalahari Review, Brittle Paper, Kin Poetry Journal, and elsewhere. He lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

Ifeoluwa Ayandele

My Body is a City of Butterflies

This city is a gun smoking away through the prism of broken plates in the hands of street children. & yet, my mother taught me how to count the cowries on my body: like a triangle, she drew three lines on my back, threw cowries into it & the cowries became butterflies: my body is a city of butterflies. -& she said: your body is a carrier of butterflies, flipping through future & memory — a broken past read in blank pages & perching on the flowers of a city that sags, pollinating its nectars with hitches of hope.

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.