Elaine Sorrentino is the Communications Director at South Shore Conservatory in Hingham, MA, where she creates promotional and first-person content for press and for a blog called SSC Musings. Facilitator of the Duxbury Poetry Circle, Elaine has been published in Minerva Rising, Willawaw Journal, The Writers Newsletter, The Writers’ Magazine, Haiku Universe, Failed Haiku, and has won the monthly poetry challenge at wildamorris.blogspot.com. Her humorous, non-fiction piece, “It’s All About Attitude,” took grand prize in the Write a DearReader Contest.

Also by Elaine Sorrentino: haiku The Last Gift Unwelcome Estate Sale

Poets Resist
Edited by Michael Carter
August 21, 2019

Elaine Sorrentino

What an Assault Rifle Cannot Do

It cannot warm your sheets, quench your thirst, fold your laundry; it cannot scratch your mosquito bite, return your overdue book, repair your car; it cannot breathe for you, pay your mortgage, laugh at your joke; it cannot serve as your wingman, draw your bath, sweeten your coffee; it cannot revitalize your neighborhood, kiss your boo-boo, phone your mother; it can neither pray for, nor with, you, comfort your child, quell your hunger; it cannot function as a tourniquet, reverse time, grant forgiveness.

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.