Xe M. Sánchez was born in 1970 in Grau (Asturies, Spain). He received his Ph.D degree in History from the University of Oviedo in 2016, he is anthropologist, and he also studied Tourism and three masters (History / Protocol / Philately and Numismatic). He has published in Asturian language Escorzobeyos (2002), Les fueyes tresmanaes d’Enol Xivares (2003), Toponimia de la parroquia de Sobrefoz. Ponga (2006), Llue, esi mundu paralelu (2007), Les Erbíes del Diañu (E-book: 2013, Paperback: 2015), Cróniques de la Gandaya (E-book, 2013), El Cuadernu Prietu (2015), and several publications in journals and reviews in Asturies, USA, Portugal, France, Sweden, Scotland, Australia, South Africa, India, Italy, England, Canada, Reunion Island, China and Belgium.

Poets Resist
Edited by Samantha Duncan
April 2, 2019

Xe M. Sánchez

Servidume Tapecida / Hidden Servitude

Dellos nun se decaten de que los versos nun son namái un horru imaxinariu pa la señaldá, pa los suaños fendíos, pal tiempu echáu a beloxe, pa les solombres de les pallabres. De xemes en cuandu son barricaes escontra la servidume tapecida nes pallabres mercenaries de los que manexen el mundiu.
Some people do not understand that verses are not only an imaginary granary for melancholy, for the broken dreams, for the wasted time, for the shadows of the words. Sometimes, they are barricades against the servitude hidden in the mercenary words of those who manage the world.

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.