Andy Powell is a Teaching Artist for DreamYard in the Bronx. He has writing out with The Paris Review, Winter Tangerine Review, Peach Mag, and elsewhere, and is poetry editor for Hesperios Journal. A 2018 fellow to The Poetry Foundation & Crescendo Literary's Poetry Incubator, he founded DreamYard's Rad(ical) Poetry Consortium.

Previously in Glass: A Journal of Poetry: Legion of Mary

Poets Resist
Edited by Matty Layne Glasgow
October 29, 2019

Andy Powell

You think you’ve got heaven but you’ve got hot cheetos —

you haven’t even tried Takis. It’s 8:45 public school time and I’m in a staring contest with the spectre of Betsy DeVos in the heavy hands of the clock. I see more than our time to finish our metaphor exercise running down. I know I should say “Hello” to anyone I’m only just meeting rather than try to scald them with a hot cheetos v Takis burn, even if they are a ghost presence. I know I have a generosity around here somewhere, in the closet or maybe I left it at home in the basement. You know what? I gave it to my brother and he’s in Berlin. I usually have tons, though I like to save them for young people, not for US Secretaries of Education, who should know better. Let me go find another one at the gym. Just kidding, I won’t be able to find one for you until you’ve invested hugely in public schools. No, Betsy, charters don’t count just because they technically count. And if you want to earn a “sunny day” like the kindergarteners you’re going to need to flush student loans promptly down the toilet, because profiting off dreams is like plucking the roses from a public garden for your own windowsill. You won’t? Stormy clouds for you again this week. Not just a sticker on the chart; these stormy clouds you have to take home where they will most likely rain on your couch. The kids are counting their fires — their metaphors for heat — that I hope aren’t the kinds of fires that others have made for them that they’ll have to extinguish. I don’t want to burst into flames when I think of the one person in the country who’s got some measure of power over nearly every every every student in the country. This is no country of your own.

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.