Meher Manda is a poet, short story writer, culture critic, and educator from Mumbai, India, based in New York City. She earned her MFA from the College of New Rochelle where she founded The Canopy Review. She is the cofounder and co-host of An Angry Reading Series in Harlem and the author of Busted Models, a chapbook of poems from No, Dear Magazine. Her work can be found in Epiphany Magazine, Los Angeles Review, Glass Poetry, Lumina Journal, Newtown Literary, and elsewhere.

Also by Meher Manda: Busted Models

Poets Resist
Edited by Sneha Subramanian Kanta
December 26, 2019

Meher Manda

A Citizenship Sonnet

listen, who among us has not tasted blood
its ferric metal scraping our tongue with anticipation
of neglected memory: that which binds us will
one day kill us all. who among us has not
witnessed death and its lustful feeding
determined to persist. inside the body

there cracks an awakening, a grief that
at once pierces a people awake and breaks
the contours of a country, its slipshod border
cutting apart rivers of red, where floating corpses
are bludgeoned, life-and-blood-less. There, rises an
image: what can we be, in the absence of bloodlust

I ask again — who among us has eaten life, grown full on freedom.
What price would it take to share some of it, rich as we are.

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.