Cordelia Hanemann is currently a practicing writer and artist in Raleigh, NC. She has published in numerous journals including Turtle Island Quarterly, Connecticut River Review, Dual Coast Magazine, and Laurel Review; anthologies, The Well-Versed Reader, Heron Clan VI and Kakalak 2018 and in her own chapbook, Through a Glass Darkly. Her poem, “photo-op” was a finalist in the Poems of Resistance competition at Sable Press and her poem “Cezanne’s Apples” was nominated for a Pushcart. Recently the featured poet for Negative Capability Press and The Alexandria Quarterly, she is now working on a first novel, about her roots in Cajun Louisiana.

Also by Cordelia Hanemann: Three Poems Five Poems Losses

Poets Resist
Edited by Michael Carter
August 23, 2019

Cordelia Hanemann

We the People

a gunshot-two-three three Muslim students shotshotshot on the street where they lived on the street where I lived where I live still mourning the loss of morning where I live death absence where once there was breath and heartbeat the blank of powerlessness in my gunlessness light breaks through dark over a city where death death arrives in bullets we wake to light-in-dark after we toss in our nonsleep at the sound of gunshots heardheardheard: whiteboysandgirlswhogotoschool, blackboysinthebackofpolicecars, hispanicmenpullingwallet-gunsfrompantspockets, boysandgirlsintheneighborhood peoplewhogathertopray peoplewhogathertosing peoplewhogathertogether peoplepoeplepeoplepeoplepeople

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.