Mary Crow has published three books of poems and is working on a new collection, Difficulty in Securing the River. Her individual poems have appeared in many literary magazines, including A Public Space, Notre Dame Review, American Poetry Review, New Madrid, Hotel Amerika.

Poets Resist
Edited by Jemshed Khan
June 4, 2019

Mary Crow

Getting Away

I do not know how long I’ll last beside this lagoon — placid, almost lovely in its very artificiality, carved from land stolen from Bedouins, now studded with turquoise lagoons of different sizes, some stone-lined, where I can’t imagine them swimming. How can such nomads live imprisoned in peach-colored villas, where cultivated palms waft green banners in sultry breezes — a relief, no doubt from swirling sand’s attacks — and better than refuge in gray buildings along inner-city expressways where air’s dirty with shadows, where footsteps echo like the steps of ghosts. I can’t say how long I’ll remain at this lagoon remembering tear gas and burning tires. My body feels like someone else’s, someone who might wander through this maze of island paths, roundabouts, right angles, sit in an arbor on a bench to unbend, as darkness slowly absorbs the lagoons’ green, and mauve shadows float over the water in a dim phosphorescence.

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.