Jack B. Bedell is Professor of English and Coordinator of Creative Writing at Southeastern Louisiana University where he also edits Louisiana Literature and directs the Louisiana Literature Press. His latest collections are Elliptic (Yellow Flag Press, 2016), Revenant (Blue Horse Press, 2016), and No Brother, This Storm (Mercer University Press, fall 2018). He served as Louisiana Poet Laureate 2017-2019.

Also by Jack B. Bedell: Two Poems Amano Memory: Bats

Poets Resist
Edited by Michael Carter
August 29, 2019

Jack B. Bedell


— Queen Bess Island Pelicans glide on wind currents, infinities of loops, long sweeps over the Gulf, short passes near their nests. The island below them rings a ghost of itself, washes out with every heavy wind, each wave pushed through by storms. Two birds in air for each one on shore, in constant rhythm. The cadence of their lives tells stories in flattened shore grass, single eggs in sand — movement and birth and loss. But what should they know of erosion? Togetherness? Space? More water around them with fewer fish to eat? And when a barge full of dredged silt beaches itself onto their sand to fill in the island’s shadows, how long will it take to settle all flight?

Poets Resist is published by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.