Jaime Zuckerman is the author of two chapbooks, Letters to Melville (Ghost Proposal, 2018) and Alone in this Together (Dancing Girl Press, 2016) as well as recent or forthcoming poems in Diode, Forklift: Ohio, Fairy Tale Review, Foundry, Prairie Schooner, Thrush, Vinyl and other journals. She serves as the poetry editor of Redivider, the art director for Sixth Finch, and a senior reader for Ploughshares. She grew up in the woods but now lives and teaches in Boston, MA.

Jaime Zuckerman

This page originally came from a set of nature encyclopedias I found on the curb to be picked up as trash. When I make a visual poem, I try to choose words that say something about being human, about a certain state or perspective. In this particular visual poem, the text’s origins came through to get at the idea that we’re not all that different from insects — we all come from and will eventually return to a primordial ooze of time and earth. I then design patterns using pen and watercolor based on shapes or forms of repetition in nature.

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.