Naoko Fujimoto was born and raised in Nagoya, Japan. She was an exchange student and received a B.A. and M.A. from Indiana University. Her recent publications are in Prairie Schooner, RHINO, Cream City Review, and many other journals. Her first chapbook, Home, No Home, won the annual Oro Fino Chapbook Competition by Educe Press. Another short collection, Silver Seasons of Heartache, was released by Glass Lyre Press. She is working on her graphic poetry collection, which will be published by Tupelo Press. Currently, she is a RHINO fellow, and recently established the Well.Fed.Artist movement with Catherine Cowie.

Naoko Fujimoto

How to Choke Myself in the Ugly Kitchen

Graphic poetry is the melding of words and images. In her project, Trans. Sensory, Naoko Fujimoto translates her poems (that are written on paper in English) into words and images to create a contemporary picture scroll. The viewers transport their senses from the paper and bridge the gap between words and images that will connect with their physical counterparts. Her entire collection will be published by Tupelo Press, and her progress can be seen at "How to Choke Myself in the Ugly Kitchen" was inspired by her former boss who painted her kitchen wall in an epic fashion. The poem also represents a housewife who is exhausted by her husband and children. She is killing herself to survive through her conflicts, saying, "I am here," in sheep form.

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.