sally burnette is the author of the chapbooks laughing plastic (Broken Sleep Books) and Special Ultimate: Baby's Story: a Documentary (Ghost City Press). They are originally from North Carolina but currently live in Boston and read flash fiction for Split Lip Magazine. Their poetry has been published in Sixth Finch, BOAAT, Indianapolis Review and elsewhere.

sally burnette

the baptismal dream

ken is on his back naked // marinating in a front yard kiddie pool // he is flesh & blood // biological // basking like a terrapin // then suddenly a shadow // & eclipsing the sun // is the horribly blonde hair // of a faceless child laughing // he’s not supposed to look like that // & with a pair of glowing pincers // the child removes ken’s nipples // & seals his cunt // in christ may ken be born again // hallelujah // amen // then dips his entire body underwater // with just one finger

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.