Lindsay Remee Ahl has work published in The Georgia Review, Hotel Amerika, Barrow Street, BOMB Magazine, The Offing, and many others. She was a Fletcher Fellow at Bread Loaf for her novel, Desire, (Coffee House Press). She holds an MFA from Warren Wilson in Poetry.

Also by Lindsay Remee Ahl: Desire Five Poems Alice Underground

Lindsay Remee Ahl


after everything: paradise apocalyptica since we cannot undo the destruction or undo time there is the standing in it as though you are part of a larger mission, designed, sung into existence by angels camped on the edge of a cliff, river gorge below, the moon rises from the horizon as vast and still as the sun but we’re looking right at it without going blind black tree branches reach across the wide open moon, and from somewhere, a vast & endless slow sax — or maybe a howling coyote uncovering, beyond the piñon, one of the last sounds

"Vestiges" is a poem that is part of a series of poems where I’m exploring causality, which happens in time, and an emotional response to the desire to "go back in time" and have the "happening" not happen. I don’t mention school shootings, but if something like that happened to my child, I would think for a long time about how that moment, that day, that event could be turned back. And of course, it can’t. So then we have to live with it. And how do we live with things like that? I suppose that is the real question I’m asking.

Glass: A Journal of Poetry is published monthly by Glass Poetry Press.
All contents © the author.