Jennifer Jackson Berry is the author of The Feeder (YesYes Books, 2016). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in journals such as Booth, Harpur Palate, Poet Lore, Verse Daily, and Whiskey Island, among others. She lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Also by Jennifer Jackson Berry: The Feeder When I was a Girl Three Poems

Jennifer Jackson Berry

I Can't Imagine Her Window

"The police said the mother, identified as Jennifer Berry of Yonkers, had been charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter." — The New York Times, "Mother Is Accused of Throwing Newborn to Death From 7th-Floor Window in Bronx," September 29, 2015 I can't imagine the mouth of her window swallowing the girl, the alley its gullet bottom. It was raining that Monday afternoon here in Pittsburgh. Did she know that wind, wet at her window in the Bronx? I have bled & named what bled from me. I have leaned out windows in the rain. I have opened cupped hands with nothing to offer but what pooled. I can't imagine the bloody heave, the heft from that hole. There wouldn't have been time for a name. Nothing would have changed had I appeared outside her shower stall & said I'll take her. She decided this months ago.

Lost & Found is published by Glass Poetry Press as part of Glass: A Journal of Poetry. This project publishes work that was accepted by journals that ceased publication before the work was released.
All contents © the author.