Kate Fadick began working seriously as a poet in 2009. Prior to then, they worked with rural and urban Appalachian communities on issues of environmental and economic justice. Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in Still: The Journal, Indianola Review, Kudzu, Pine Mountain, Sand and Gravel, Wind '97, Blue Lyra Review and other regional journals. Slipstream, their first chapbook, was released by Finishing Line Press in March, 2013. They live in Cincinnati, OH with their partner of 25 years.

"[I]t wasn't until my late 60s that I knew poetry had found me. Everything that had gone before brought me to understand that poetry, reading it and writing it, is the work of my life's last act. As I write in the poem "When Hildegard cannot sleep," "…words/once empty shells/begin to sing//and the sweet ache/rises in my throat." I write to make music of a yearning I've always carried, yet cannot articulate with sure elegance. My words are, more often than not, blasphemy."