Glass Poetry Press

Volume Three Issue One

In-Memoriam: Rane Arroyo

In May, we learned of the tragic death of Rane Arroyo, poet, playwright, professor and friend. Rane was a constant supporter of small presses, including this one. He spent much of Glass' first year spreading the word to his friends and students and most, if not all, of the poems we received in those first months came to us because of him. He also honored us by offering his beautiful poem "Brokeback Mountain" for our premier issue. And we know we are not the only journal Rane worked so hard for. In the weeks following his death, countless memorials to Rane were posted across the internet, full of stories of his warmth, generosity and humor. As former students and friends of Rane, we have so many similar stories. But what stands out in our minds as we prepare our seventh issue of Glass is a moment shortly after we uploaded our very first. We sent an email out to all of the contributors as soon as the issue was available online. The time was around 11:00 PM. A couple minutes later, we checked the Glass email to begin work on our second issue and Rane had already responded: "LOVE IT!!! You two are too fabulous!" Rane's enthusiasm was infectious and it drove us and everyone else he came into contact with to be our best at whatever we are doing. He will be greatly missed. We dedicate this issue in his memory and in honor of his constant commitment to poetry, to poets, to beauty and to living. Holly Burnside & Anthony Frame